Monday, November 7, 2011

Hawaii - November 1st

On Tuesday, November 1st, we decided to drive down to Waikiki.  We walked around the shopping area, and checked out the popular beach.  I wasn't really into it, so we didn't stay too long.  This might have been because I was anxious to get back to "our" beach/resort. 

The kids were excited to play in the sand and swim in the water (especially since we don't get many chances to swim in the water at the beach near our house).  It was nice that it wasn't cold.  Mike played football with Jacob on the beach, Lauren played in the sand, and Ashlyn just enjoyed it all. 

This was also the day the kids got to check out Aunty's Beach House.  This is a nice option the resort offers.  It's a kid program for ages 3 and over.  Jacob and Ashlyn had so much fun, they wanted to keep going back.  Mike and I dropped them off for a few hours, and we had a quiet dinner at our room.  I wasn't feeling great this night, so he ordered room service and we just relaxed.  After we got Lauren to bed, I went to pick them up.  Jacob met a new friend and was playing football on the Xbox, and Ashlyn was happily playing at the computer.  She showed me everything she did...dressed up in all the dress-up clothes, did lots of arts/crafts, and played games on the computer.  I'm looking forward to our next visit, because Lauren will be 3.  Then we can drop them all off, so Mike and I can check out the SPA!!  :-)

I didn't take AS many pictures this day, enjoy the ones I did!!  ;-) 

This is one of the only pictures I got of Waikiki Beach.  It was a nice beach, and maybe next time we can stay longer.

 Mike and the kids playing football in the water.

 Daddy covering Lauren in sand.  :-)

Lauren - the walking human sandpaper.
She was so happy just sitting, digging and playing in the sand.

A few pictures of Jacob on the beach.
A couple pictures of Ashlyn.  She's my little beach babe.  :-)

And several sunset pictures...Hawaii really does have the best sunsets!!

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