Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Still Can't Believe We've Lived Here For One Year Already!!!

1 year ago today (June 18, 2010), my family went through some HUGE changes!! I'm not one to express my feelings, but that day was very emotional...happy, sad, scared, angry, excited, depressed all mixed into one.

I was looking forward to the new life we were getting ready to start, and I was super excited for Mike and his new job that he LOVES.
But, I was scared and sad, too. Scared to move to a place that I only knew Mike's Aunt & Uncle, unsure and depressed by the idea of not having friends and having to make new ones, and sad to move away from my family. If you haven't had to make a move like that, it is very difficult.

I have met a few nice families with kids, and I'm sure I'll be able to build on those friendships and meet others as time goes on. It's nice to feel accepted, because being the "new" gal can be awkward at times.

Before I moved, it seemed I was always meeting up with someone - hanging out at the parks, malls, movies, friend's houses. I am an extrovert, and LOVE to interact with others. So my first few weeks here were very frustrating. As time went on, I met some other mom's, Jacob started school, the girls and I went to playgroups and bible study, and things started getting into a routine.

I still missed my friends and family deeply, but I'm starting to accept the fact that we will probably be living in California permanently. I look forward to my visits back home, and having my family and friends visit here. :-)

Overall, this move was the best thing for our family. Mike is doing very well with his job. It's worth it knowing that he enjoys what he does. He is such a hard worker and I am truly blessed having him as my husband (I'd like to think he's blessed having me as his wife, too - lol).

In 1 week, I'll be in Vegas seeing my mom!! (and my aunts, uncles, cousins, brother and his girlfriend)!! Can't wait!!

This is a picture of the kids shortly after we moved in.
(Lauren was about 6 weeks old, Ashlyn was almost 3 1/2,
and Jacob was 6 years and a few months)

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