Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Busy Easter Week/Weekend!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We had a pretty good one! The few things that would have made it better was Mike not being sick and spending the day with my mom and family!! Can't wait to see everyone again!!

Ok, back to our week. The weather has been pretty good, so we spent a lot of time outside. Jacob gets out of school early every Wednesday, so we tried out a new park. I think this will be one of our favorites (we are actually going back tomorrow with some friends).

Friday was our little sprouts playgroup and they did some Easter crafts, Easter story time and an egg hunt. The girls had a great time. We really enjoy going to this playgroup, a good outing for the girls and for mommy!! ;-)

Since Jacob didn't have a baseball game on Saturday, we planned to go to Great America (theme park). On the way there, Mike suddenly started to feel bad. He toughed it out for a little while, so the kids could ride a few rides. We ended up leaving sooner than planned, so Mike could go home and rest. He ended up having the Flu, so he missed Easter activities on Sunday.

The kids and I still celebrated Easter. We started with going to church that morning, neighborhood Easter egg hunt, took the kids to brunch/lunch, then we played outside and Jacob flew his kite. It was a really good day, just wish Mike was feeling better so he could have joined in on the fun. How did you all spend your Easter?

Easter Week in Pictures...

They want say Happy Easter to everyone!!
Aren't they so cute and sweet looking?!?!

Ashlyn and her friend Colin loved spinning around on this spinning thing.
Jacob was doing it too. It really fit all 3 of them!!

Ashlyn's preschool class took a field trip to the park for an egg hunt.

She would swing all day if I let her.

When Jacob got out of school, I picked him up and went back to the park.
The kids are so fascinated with snails!!

Ashlyn with her friends at little spouts - story time!

Lauren was having fun playing at the train table.
She wants to be a big girl soooo bad - but she has NO interest in walking.
Lauren wants to say thanks to grandma for her pretty springy dress!!

Sisters at the playgroup egg hunt.

Ashlyn looking for some eggs.
Lauren found an egg too...
but it looks like she is more interested in that green jelly bean on the ground.

Ashlyn and her buddy Colin sharing some ice cream!!

Annual Easter Bunny picture.

Ashlyn found some eggs that were hiding in the house.

Jacob found some too.

Lauren and her new bunny from the Easter Bunny. And her eggs she found laying on the floor. ;-)

My pretty little princess at the neighborhood egg hunt.

Some of the neighborhood kids.

My beautiful kids!!

Jacob getting ready to launch a glider.

Jacob helping Ashlyn.

Ashlyn did pretty good flying a kite for the first time.

Ashlyn and Colin posing with the kite.
She refused to take her "princess" dress off,
so here she is riding a construction truck while dressed like a princess!
I did make her change shoes before we went out to play -
princess dress and tennis shoes!!

Jacob caught on pretty quick to fly a kite.

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