Friday, May 1, 2009

Pittsburg Karate Tournament Day 1

Okay, I'm finally updating this blog!! Are you proud of me?? It's only been 3 months. And as you can see, we've been busy with a lot of stuff happening. This past weekend, we took Jacob to his karate tournament in Pittsburg, KS. He did amazing out there. Didn't get the trophies like he wanted, but he had fun!! We were there for 3 days, and each day had different activities. Day 1 was the first day of seminars. Jacob got to go to the Pittsburg dojo and work on some karate skills with the other students. He got his belt signed with his name in Kanji by Shihan Fumio Demura. Jacob thought that was pretty cool. He also hung from a bar at ceiling level and moved across it BY HIMSELF!! He has gained a lot of strength and confidence.

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