Monday, May 23, 2011


I feel pretty proud of myself for keeping up with this blog since the beginning of the year!! I think this may be my best record so far. I've slacked a few times in between, but not for months and months (or years) like before. :-)

We've been busy this last month or so. Lauren's birthday and my consignment sale were the same weekend, Mother's Day, baseball games, soccer sign-ups, amusement parks, field trips, and more!!

I'm so happy to be done with the consignment sale. It's a lot of work getting things ready, but so worth it! I made almost $400 from all the kids old stuff - clothes, shoes, books, toys, baby gear. Even though it's a lot of work, I really enjoy doing it. I even volunteered 2 different shifts. Now I'll put some of the left overs on eBay, donate it to Goodwill, or save it for the next sale in September. :-)

Some more updates...

Jacob is reading very well. He's been flying though all the books he checks out from both the public library and his school library. He LOVES reading, and I LOVE that he loves it!! He has his moments, but he really is my favorite little guy!! We finally found an awesome dentist for him that works with him to get the job done. Unfortunately, he will most likely be getting braces next year. :-( We've heard this from 3 different dentists now, and 2 of those dentists I really respect and trust. Oh well, the joys of childhood. Swim lessons are now over, and Jacob has mastered 2 different levels!! Go, Jacob! He's become quite the little fish since we started 10 weeks ago. I wish we'd be able to continue more lessons, but with our crazy summer planned, there's no way to squeeze it in.

Ashlyn is so excited for her "step-up" program with her preschool. She can't wait to show us what they've been working so hard on. I'm pretty excited too, I bet it's going to be super cute!! She also completed her swim lessons, and she's doing great too!! Both big kids are excited to show grandma their swimming skills this summer!! Ash is a pretty happy kids (in between her melt-downs). She loves playing, coloring, writing, learning, cooking, and helping mommy!! She makes me smile!!

Lauren is such a sweet little girl. Although, now that she's 1, she is letting us know what she wants by pointing and sometimes gets very vocal...and if she doesn't get what she wants, she will definitely let you know!! I wonder where she gets that from?!?!?!? She is our little peanut, weighing (at 1 year) what the other 2 weighed at about 6 months - 18 lbs. But that doesn't stop her!! She is crawling, cruising, standing, waving, clapping, shacking her head no, pointing, playing, snuggling, and stepping - yes, I said stepping...she's been taking 1 little bitty step pretty good!! She is still not walking, and I still don't think it will happen for at least another month. We'll see.

Our summer vacation is pretty much planned, and it is going to be a super busy one!! Sad thing, it will fly by...but good thing, we are going to do a lot with family and friends!! We will start off with our family trip to Disneyland for a couple days and checking out some beaches and other stuff for a couple days. Then Mike will fly home, and the kids and I will drive to Vegas to meet Grandma (and Aunts, Uncles, Cousins)!! A few days later, we will head back to SF with Grandma. After 2 weeks with us, Grandma will go home, and we'll have a few days before flying to KC for FOUR WEEKS - 1 of those weeks will be at the Lake of the Ozarks!! Daddy will fly to KC to go to the lake with us. Lots of travel, lots of family and friends, and LOTS OF FUN!! We can't wait!! (Did you get all that?!?) ;-)


On Friday, Jacob's class took a walking field trip to the Foster City Library.

His entire 1st grade class!!

While Jacob was on his field trip, our friend (Kari) watch the girls.
She took them to the park to play with her son, Colin.
I think they all had a great time.

Lauren LOVES standing, but she just doesn't like stepping
(although, tonight she started getting pretty good with taking 1 little step).

On Sunday, we took the kids to California Great America, and met our friends there.

Lauren really enjoyed riding the carousel.

Ashlyn and her little friend, Colin. He is the partner in crime
when it comes to running away to the park without mommies!! ;-)

Today, we had a play date at the park with our friends from MOPS.
Ashlyn enjoys playing with other girls.

After picking Jacob up from school today, he wanted to go to the library again - s
ince he already read his book from Friday.
I let him check out 3 more books, and he's already read 1 1/2 of those before bed!!

Ashlyn is a little artist, she loves to color, draw and paint.
She was having a great time using the computers at the library.

Lauren found a big teddy to climb and cuddle on!!
She does this at home with all her (and her sis/bro's stuffed animals)!!

Trying to practice walking!!
Tonight she stated wiggling and dancing as she stood there!
(if you see her diaper hanging a little on her right side, that is because
Jacob and Ashlyn teamed up and changed her previous diaper). LOL

Saturday, May 21, 2011


We finally let our butterflies fly away! The kids enjoyed opening the habitat and watch them go on their way. A couple were excited to get out, while the others kinda stayed in and waited (maybe they were scared of the 2 giants looking at them). The directions did say they would hang out near our house for a few days. And we did see them lingering around. Overall, I would recommend this project to everyone. It was a neat experience for all of us to watch the life-cycle of the butterfly. We will probably do it again!!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Final Swim Lessons - Jacob

They were having a contest on who could glide the farthest with just kicking and not stopping. My little guy did so well!! He tied as the winner!! Good job, Jacob!!

YouTube Video

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Final Swim Lesson - Ashlyn

She didn't want any help!! I'm so proud of my baby girl. She is so confident in herself, and she is such a little go-getter!!

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Final Swim Lesson - Ashlyn

This is called the pancake float...they start on one side and flip to the other. :-)

YouTube Video

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Littlest Princess is ONE!!

It's hard to believe our baby girl is 1 year old already!! It feels like just yesterday, we found out I was 17 weeks pregnant, 2 weeks later we found out we were having a baby girl, and 5 months after that she was born!! She has been such a blessing to our family.

She keeps herself busy crawling all over the place, she likes to pull up and stand (and lets go while she stands), and she LOVES watching her big brother and big sister. She is such a happy and mellow baby. And she is so darn cute!!

We had such a busy day yesterday, I don't even know how we fit everything in. On the go from morning until after bedtime!! But, it was a very family fun day.

Pictures from her birthday...

We started the day with her 12 month check-up.
The doctor said she looks perfect!!
She is an itty-bitty girl weighing only 18 pounds and 28 inches tall.

After her doctor's appointment, we went to our weekly playgroup.
We brought cookies to share with all her little friends
to celebrate her birthday!!

Sisters having snack together!!

After our Little Sprouts Playgroup, we went to Build-A-Bear.
I gave Lauren several choices to pick from, and this was the one she loved!!

All stuffed and ready for her hug!!

After Build-A-Bear, Daddy met us for lunch then we headed to the park to have cake!
Lauren wasn't really interested in the cake. Not even sure if she even had a bite.

However, she did get messy (thanks to daddy).

This little girl loves swings!!
I think her mouth was wide open with excitement the whole time!!

While waiting on Daddy and big brother finish baseball practice
(before we headed to the San Jose Giants baseball game - minor league team).

After a long day, she was wiped out. She fell asleep at the end of the game,
and slept the whole way home. I think she had a good day!!

Since yesterday was so busy, Lauren opened her presents this morning.
Grandma mailed her a birthday package and inside was this cute book!!

Opening Grandma's other present.

She really likes her new phone from Grandma!!
Thanks, Grandma for all my new stuff -
the book, phone, clothes, Dora ride-on, popper, and school bus!!

Our FIRST Butterfly!!

We woke up this morning to our first butterfly!! (it probably came out yesterday, but we didn't notice it until this morning). There is also another one starting to hatch!! The kids were excited to see this all happening. Now we anxiously await for the other 8 butterflies!! :-)

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Live Butterfly Garden - DAY 15

It's been a few days since I've posted about our butterflies. They are now moved into their habitat net, after all 10 made their chrysalis a few days ago. Now we wait for the next big change. Probably won't update again until that happens, because I don't think much will be changing.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Live Butterfly Garden - DAY 10

Now we have 3 butterflies in their chrysalis!! And more to come today (I think).

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Live Butterfly Garden - DAY 9 (part 2)

One of our butterflies made the first chrysalis last night!!

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Live Butterfly Garden - DAY 9

They are starting to make their chrysalis!!

These 5 caterpillars like a clean house!!

These 5 caterpillars like it a little messy!! :-)

I thought it was funny to see the different "home lifestyles"!

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Live Butterfly Garden - DAY 6

And bigger they get!!

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